Thursday, July 08, 2004


Man it's hot. And that's all I have to say about that.

It's funny, but the weather here really makes me think about the extreme differences between Farenheit and Celsius, and how much more sense Celsius makes. I mean - when it's 25 degrees here, it's nice and comfortable. That's about the equivalent of 72 and sunny. At 30 degrees we're looking at 85 Farenheit. Big Difference in both scales.

But what about the difference between just hot and stiflingly hot? When it's over 30 here, say 33 like today, the difference is noticable, but it's only the difference between 85 and 90. It's the 1 degree increments that make the difference and make more sense. The difference between 85 and 87 is almost impossible for me to feel, but an increment in a single degree in celsius is substantial.

Should we talk about the weather?
Should we talk about the government?
hello, i saw you, i know you i knew you
i think i can remember your name...

I really will try to post interesting things here later...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The funny thing is.....

............ well, there's lots of things that are funny.   But, I can't think of any of them.  This is just my first attempt at "posting" a message via an email, but I've really nothing to say.  I wonder how many thousands of other new bloggerites (bloggerese, for you sensistive Taiwaners) go through the same silly shallow meaningless message stage?

Monday, July 05, 2004

This is only a test...

Had this been a REAL SARS emergency, you signal you just heard would have been followed by:

  1. a round of loud, dry coughing

  2. your temperature being taken by
    • a completely unqualified young boy or girl wearing a surgical mask and a department store uniform
    • an infrared videocamera named "Hal"

  3. a quarantine patrol advising you to stay in your house and checking up on you every few hours by telephone

Please stay advised of more precautions to come...

The Staff... (just call me Dick)